Happy Tree Friends Wiki


  • The word "pokeneyeout" is the words "poke an eye out" merged into one.
  • This is the highest viewed episode of season four.
  • The game Deadeye Derby is inspired by this episode. An advertisement for said game is also shown before the credits.
  • This is one of only three episodes to air in 2014, along with Spare Tire and Dream Job.
  • This episode marks, to date, the only instance of Cuddles and Toothy being on bad terms with each other.
  • This is the second episode to be released in January of 2014.
  • The running gag of Toothy injuring his eyes returns in this episode.
    • This episode also marks the seventh instance of Toothy suffering an eye injury.
  • This episode marks the only time to date that Sniffles has invented something without it backfiring on him.
  • This episode marks Nutty's second appearance in the fourth season.
  • This episode marks Cuddles' first starring role since Can't Stop Coffin. It is also his first starring role in Season 4 and his first starring role with the new character introduction.
  • After This Is Your Knife and Take a Hike, this is the third episode to involve camping and scouts.
  • This episode features the same group of characters (with the exception of The Mole replacing Flaky) as in the episode Take a Hike.
  • This episode marks the second time a game and episode share the same trailer. This first occurred with Buns of Steal and Run and Bun.
  • The tree that flings the giant boulder back has a trunk that looks like a slingshot stick.
  • This is the first season 4 episode that Nutty survives.
  • This is the first Internet episode so far to give Nutty a different pop-up position since season 2, not counting his featuring pop-up in the TV series.
  • Nutty and Lumpy are the only characters who didn't participate in the rock fight.
  • Sniffles or Toothy are indirectly responsible for Petunia's death, as either of them got her covered in grape juice, which made it hard for her to use slingshot properly. The Mole might have also killed Petunia when he ripped her eyes out.
  • The bird is indirectly responsible for all the deaths and injuries in the episode.
    • This is similar to how a bird causes all the deaths and injuries in Brake the Cycle.
  • This is the second Season 4 episode that Sniffles survives.
  • This episode features a total of 5 eye injuries, which explains the title of the episode.
  • This is the first episode since All Work and No Play that Lumpy survives.
  • This is the first regular episode since Something Fishy that Nutty survives.
  • This is one of the few episodes in which The Mole appears but does not hurt anyone or die. (Debatable as Petunia could have still been alive when he ripped her eyes out.)
  • The group of featuring characters in this episode is the same group of featuring characters as in A Sight for Sore Eyes. In fact, with the exception of Petunia, all the characters in this episode are also in that episode.
  • This is the only season 4 episode so far in which The Mole is not seen driving.
  • Despite her OCD making a reappearance in Royal Flush, Petunia seems to have returned to her Internet self in this episode, as when she gets grape juice on her, she seems understandably mad, but not panicked in the slightest.
  • Lumpy appears to be a camp counselor in this episode, whom are usually teenagers or college students, making this possibly the first and so far only episode in which Lumpy is not portrayed as a grown adult. (Debatable)
  • All the characters who appear in this episode all appear in Deadeye Derby: Cuddles, Toothy, Petunia and Nutty are playable characters, Lumpy runs the shop, The Mole is a background character, and Sniffles is a boss.
  • This is the second episode in which Nutty eats body parts (the first is in Class Act when he eats part of Sniffles). However, he eats his own eyes this time. This marks the first instance in the series of a character eating part of themself.
  • This is one of the few episodes in which a character (in this case, Nutty) causes pain to himself. However, this is the first time a character does this without being in any kind of danger.
  • Truffles is confirmed to have appeared in this episode, but either his location is unknown or the creators were lying, as he is not seen anywhere in the episode.
  • This is the last episode in which Sniffles' snout is curved. It changes after his first scene to become straight for the rest of the episode.
  • Flaky is the only character from Take a Hike who doesn't appear in this episode.
    • On the contrary, The Mole is the only character in this episode who doesn't appear in Take a Hike.
  • The thumbnails for this episode spoil the following:
    • The YouTube thumbnail spoils Toothy's eye injury.
    • The thumbnail on mondomedia.com spoils Nutty's eye injuries.
  • Giggles is the only primary character to not appear in this episode.

Cultural References[]

  • The moral means that while physical activity may cause one pain and suffering, words, no matter how harmful or offensive, cannot hurt you.
  • This episode has a couple of similarities with the Cartoon Network TV show Camp Lazlo: Both shows have all-animal characters and they both take place at a summer camp.


Production Notes[]
