Happy Tree Friends Wiki


  • This is the only TV episode where the goof of Toothy having regular buckteeth appears.
  • This is the first (and so far only) TV episode to have a Blurb version. It is unknown if this will be the only TV episode with a Blurb version to date.
    • Because of this distinction, it is currently the longest episode to have a blurb.
  • This is the first TV episode where Flaky uses old mouth assets, this would happen again in Idol Curiosity.
  • If one looks closely when the bridge falls apart, Petunia can be seen with open eyes.

    Let's just hope she is not alive for this.

  • The group in this episode (with the exception of Nutty) is the same group that went to the zoo in From A to Zoo. Similarly, the characters sing the Happy Tree Friends theme song at the beginning: something they previously did in From A to Zoo.
  • If one ignores Nutty and Lumpy, most of the characters die in the same order as From A to Zoo. Petunia dies second, Toothy dies third, and Cuddles dies fourth. The only characters who don't die in order are Flaky and Sniffles. In From A to Zoo Sniffles dies first and Flaky (debatably) last. In this episode, however, Flaky dies first and Sniffles dies last.
  • This is one of the few episodes in which there is a fairly large cast and everybody dies.
  • Nobody survives in this episode, unless one counts the animals that appeared.
  • This is the first episode in the TV series to not feature any of the four main bear characters.
  • Unlike other Blurb episodes, this one does not include any binary codes.
  • Many of the characters act very out of character in this episode: 
    • Cuddles is known for being brave and reckless and has shown many bold actions to put his life to risk. However, in this episode, he sees a king cobra and immediately flees, even leaving behind his friend, Toothy
    • Despite Petunia's OCD, she had no problem drinking the contaminated water, though she did this because she was desperately dehydrated.
    • Nutty is less hyperactive and insane in this episode. Even when he encounters honey from the hive, he stays relatively calm. In fact, instead of ripping the beehive open like one would expect, he cleverly takes a straw into the hive and drinks the honey from it.
    • Flaky acts somewhat bravely in this episode. She willingly helps a bird (which in itself is arguably a continuity error of her ornithophobia in From A to Zoo) get to its nest and climbs a tree while doing so.
  • This is one of the four episodes in the TV series where Lumpy gets killed by animals. The other three are Doggone It, Mime to Five, and Letter Late than Never.
  • This is one of the most violent episodes and one of the few where a group of characters suffer throughout the majority of the episode.
  • This is one of the only three TV episodes that Petunia appears in without Giggles, the other two being A Hole Lotta Love and Wishy Washy.
  • When Flaky places the eaglet back in its nest, her satisfied "Aha" is somewhat similar to Pop and Lumpy's "Mmm-hmm".
  • Nutty is indirectly responsible for most of the deaths in this episode, including his own, since he provoked the grizzly bear to attack. It was also Nutty's dismembered legs that led the bear towards Lumpy and the rest of the group that was still alive.
  • This is the first episode to have a Danish animator (Stefan A. Fjedmark's role as a storyboard artist).
  • This episode marks one of the rare instances of a character's (Sniffles') brain being exposed while they remain alive. Other examples include Flaky in Wipe Out!, Lammy in All Work and No Play and Giggles in I've Got You Under My Skin.
  • This is the first episode where Flaky gets killed by animals/predatory flowers. The second was Snow Place to Go, the third was Idol Curiosity and the fourth was Wipe Out!.
  • The YouTube thumbnails for Part 2 (formerly) and the Blurb spoil Petunia's and Flaky's deaths, respectively. The current thumbnail for part 1 and current on the mondomedia.com blurb version both spoil Toothy's arm injury.
  • The first four characters are injured and placed on Lumpy's stretcher in reversed order that they died in Peas in a Pod.
  • When Lumpy sees Flaky flattened as a bird nest, he clearly says “What the hell?”
  • Giggles is the only primary character to not appear in this episode.
  • This is the one of the few episodes where Toothy cries.

Cultural References[]

  • The term "take a hike" means to leave, usually referring to punishment.
  • The moral means that before judging someone, one must understand their experiences, challenges, thought processes, etc.
  • The bear's roars are similar to the bear's roars in the 1981 film The Fox and the Hound.
  • Although Lumpy is indeed an original character, the description of the episode "Marooned Five" reads "we end up deep in the woods when the Scoutmaster Lumpy takes the troop for a hike". The name "Scoutmaster Lumpy" may be a reference to the character Scoutmaster Lumpus, a character from the TV show Camp Lazlo who is also a moose.
  • The way Nutty eats the honey from a beehive is somewhat similar to Winnie-the-Pooh.


Production Notes[]

  • When this episode aired along with Every Litter Bit Hurts and As You Wish on YouTube, the alternate title for the conglomeration of the segments was named "Marooned Five" (a reference to the band Maroon 5), which was originally named "The Fifth Grade". Lumpy and Sniffles appear in all three of the episodes. In addition, Lumpy stars in all three episodes and dies twice, while Sniffles dies in all three episodes.
  • In the storyboarded version, there were a few differences:
    • When the bridge collapses, there would’ve been shots of the wounded hikers falling as the bridge collapsed
    • There were also more shots of the wounded hikers hitting the rocks as they fall, with Nutty’s bottom half hitting his crotch on a twig, and slipping off, Sniffles originally taking Cuddles shot as he hits a staircase of rocks, and Cuddles hitting a ledge on the mountain that would break off (Which would’ve explain, how that rock came crushing on Nutty.)
    • Petunia’s death was gonna be shown as the last wounded hiker to die as she gets impaled from a skinny rock through her torso.
    • Lumpy would’ve still had his hat falling with him as he falls, and would later put it back on until the bear attacks him
    • The second bridge shot was gonna appear before the bear mauls Lumpy
    • The bridge was also gonna be on the left of the broken bridge
    • When the bear attacks Lumpy, it first grabs and swipes him, (causing Lumpy to drop his hat) then it tosses Lumpy to its backside, Lumpy tries to crawl to the screen until the bear mauls him
    • After the bear finishes Lumpy, it swipes his hiker hat and crawls back to the other bridge
    • This episode's moral was originally going to be "Grin and bear it!", as can be seen in its storyboard.
  • Dana Belben is sampled for the voice of Petunia in this episode.